My audio essays for the Many Minds podcast have covered topics such as goosebumps, smiles, WEIRDness, footprints, pupillometry, the concept of the Umwelt, Darwin’s “root-brain hypothesis”, and our obsession with human uniqueness.
Cooperrider, Kensy (in press). Time tools. Topics in Cognitive Science.
Cooperrider, Kensy (in press). The design of pointing. [invited chapter for edited volume] [pre-print]
Cooperrider, Kensy, and Rafael Núñez (in press). Gesture in New Guinea. In N. Evans and S. Fedden (Eds.), Oxford Guide to the Papuan Languages. Oxford University Press. [pre-print]
Gawne, Lauren, and Kensy Cooperrider (2024). Emblems: Meaning at the interface of gesture and language. Glossa, 9(1). DOI: [link]
Cooperrider, Kensy (2023). Fifteen ways of looking at a pointing gesture. Public Journal of Semiotics, 10(2), 40-84. DOI: 10.37693/pjos.2023.10.25120. [link]
Cooperrider, Kensy, James Slotta, and Rafael Núñez (2022). The ups and downs of space and time: Topography in Yupno language, culture, and cognition. Language and Cognition, 14(1), 131-159. DOI:10.1017/langcog.2021.25. [link]
Cooperrider, Kensy, and Kate Mesh (2021). Pointing in gesture and sign. In A. Morgenstern and S. Goldin-Meadow (Eds.), Gesture in language: Development across the lifespan (pp. 21-46). American Psychological Association. [pre-print]
Cooperrider, Kensy, Jordan Fenlon, Jonathan Keane, Diane Brentari, and Susan Goldin-Meadow (2021). How pointing is integrated into language: Evidence from speakers and signers. Frontiers In Communication, 6(567774). DOI: 10.3389/fcomm.2021.567774. [link]
Marghetis, Tyler*, Melanie McComsey*, and Kensy Cooperrider* (2020). Space in hand and mind: Gesture and spatial frames of reference in bilingual Mexico. Cognitive Science, 44(12), e12920. [PDF] [OSF]
Cooperrider, Kensy (2019). Universals and diversity in gesture: Research past, present, and future. Gesture, 18(2/3), 210-239. [pre-print] [link]
Cooperrider, Kensy and Dedre Gentner (2019). The career of measurement. Cognition, 191, 103942. [link] [pre-print] [OSF]
Fenlon, Jordan, Kensy Cooperrider, Jonathan Keane, Diane Brentari, and Susan Goldin-Meadow (2019). Comparing sign language and gesture: Insights from pointing. Glossa, 4:1, 2, 1-26. DOI: [link]
Cooperrider, Kensy, Natasha Abner, and Susan Goldin-Meadow (2018). The palm-up puzzle: Meanings and origins of a widespread form in gesture and sign. Frontiers in Communication, 3(23). doi: 10.3389/fcomm.2018.00023. [link]
Cooperrider, Kensy, James Slotta, and Rafael Núñez (2018). The preference for pointing with the hand is not universal. Cognitive Science, 42(4), 1375-1390. [PDF] [OSF]
Cooperrider, Kensy (2017). Foreground gesture, background gesture. Gesture, 16(2), 176-202. [PDF]
Cooperrider, Kensy, and Susan Goldin-Meadow (2017). When gesture becomes analogy. Topics in Cognitive Science, 9(3), 719-737. [PDF]
Cooperrider, Kensy, Tyler Marghetis, and Rafael Núñez (2017). Where does the ordered line come from? Evidence from a culture of Papua New Guinea. Psychological Science, 28(5), 599-608. [link] [OSF]
Cooperrider, Kensy, and Susan Goldin-Meadow (2017). Gesture, language, and cognition. In B. Dancygier (Ed.), Cambridge Handbook of Cognitive Linguistics (pp. 118-134). New York: Cambridge University Press. [PDF]
Cooperrider, Kensy, James Slotta, and Rafael Núñez (2017). Uphill and downhill in a flat world: The conceptual topography of the Yupno house. Cognitive Science, 41, 768-799. [PDF] [supplementary materials]
Cooperrider, Kensy, Dedre Gentner, and Susan Goldin-Meadow (2016). Spatial analogies pervade complex relational reasoning: Evidence from spontaneous gestures. Cognitive Research: Principles and Implications, 1, 28. doi:10.1186/s41235-016-0024-5 [link]
Cooperrider, Kensy (2016). The co-organization of demonstratives and pointing gestures. Discourse Processes, 53(8), 632-656. [PDF] [link]
Walker, Esther, and Kensy Cooperrider (2016). The continuity of metaphor: Evidence from temporal gestures. Cognitive Science, 40, 481-495. [PDF]
Abner, Natasha, Kensy Cooperrider, and Susan Goldin-Meadow (2015). Gesture for linguists: A handy primer. Language & Linguistics Compass, 9(11), 437-449. [PDF]
Cooperrider, Kensy (2014). Body-directed gestures: Pointing to the self and beyond. Journal of Pragmatics, 71, 1-16. [link]
Cooperrider, Kensy, Rafael Núñez, and Eve Sweetser (2014). The conceptualization of time in gesture. In C. Müller, A. Cienki, E. Fricke, S. Ladewig, D. McNeill, and J. Bressem (Eds.) Body-Language-Communication (vol. 2) (pp. 1781-1788). New York: Mouton de Gruyter. [PDF]
Núñez, Rafael, and Kensy Cooperrider (2013). The tangle of space and time in human cognition. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 17(5), 220-229. [PDF]
Cooperrider, Kensy, and Rafael Núñez (2012). Nose-pointing: Notes on a facial gesture of Papua New Guinea. Gesture, 12(2), 103-130. [PDF] [link]
Núñez, Rafael, Kensy Cooperrider, D Doan, and Jürg Wassmann (2012). Contours of time: Topographic construals of past, present, and future in the Yupno Valley of Papua New Guinea. Cognition, 124(1), 25-35. [link]
Núñez, Rafael, Kensy Cooperrider, and Jürg Wassmann (2012). Number concepts without number lines in an indigenous group of Papua New Guinea. PLoS ONE, 7(4), e35662. [link]
Cooperrider, Kensy (2011). Reference in action: Links between pointing and language. Doctoral dissertation, University of California, San Diego. [PDF] [abstract]
Cooperrider, Kensy, and Rafael Núñez (2009). Across time, across the body: Transversal temporal gestures. Gesture, 9(2), 181-206. [PDF]
Cooperrider, Kensy (2024). Human uniqueness and human uniquals. In K. Allado-McDowell, J. Kaganskiy, B. Kames, and C. Mynatt (Eds.) Interspecies futures: A primer (pp. 58-59). LAS Art Foundation. [PDF]
Cooperrider, Kensy (2021). The many meanings of a gestural motif [Introduction to ‘The hand on the breast’ by Julius Lange]. Journal of Art Historiography, 25. [PDF]
Cooperrider, Kensy (2017). Making the rounds [Review of The Book of Circles, by Manuel Lima]. Science, 356(8341), 914. [link]
Cooperrider, Kensy (2011). [Review of Pragmatics and nonverbal communication, by Tim Wharton]. Gesture, 11(1), 81-88. [link] [see also our subsequent exchange]
Cooperrider, Kensy (2009). [Review of Roots of Human Sociality: Culture, Cognition and Interaction, edited by N. J. Enfield and S. C. Levinson]. Gesture, 9(3), 373-380. [link]
Cooperrider, Kensy (2009). [Review of Mind in Life: Biology, Phenomenology, and the Sciences of the Mind, by Evan Thompson]. Philosophical Psychology, 22(2), 242-6. [link]
My Google Scholar profile is here.